Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have the watch, do I need the cellphone?

Kinetic energy, is it green? ;)

I thought this was a really good idea until, I actually pondered it for a moment. Those of you that know me, know I am prone to sending my beloved blackberry flying into the air in a horrendous and often plastic smashing arc for no apparent reason other than a caffeine induced spasm. Now imagine me with a kinetically charged blackberry. Can you say crunch?

"Shake It
If you've ever had your commute ruined when your iPod or cell phone runs out of juice, there's not much you can do but kick your phone around, which usually makes things worse.

But now all that misdirected anger could go to a better cause — and your kinetic energy could actually be used to charge your devices.

The technology has been around in self-winding watches and battery-less flashlights for years, but some designers are applying the charge model to music players and other small electronics to great effect."

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