Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ah Memories

So laying about today, I re-re-read the graphic novel "Kingdom Come" by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, which reminded me that I had apparently irked Mark at a Wizard? party(It was a ComicCon party anyway), once by referring to his children as ratballs, a name I use affectionately for mine, granted I do call my youngest 'Weasel' so I can understand the misunderstanding.

Well the amusing part of this story is I didn't actually remember the conversation the next time I saw Mark (who gave me an annoyed nod) and I referred to him as 'that Mark guy" to my comic creation colleague David. David's response was a terse and incredulous, "You mean Mark Waid of the GN you love Kingdom Come?" What can I say, but that I probably uttered one of my favorite lines from Gross Point Blank, "Dumb F**king Luck!", and went back to oogling cosplay fangirls.

Over the years, likely not remembering the insult, but remembering me, Mark always said a polite hello or caught the Nerf football I was tossing around after the show, etc. Anyway, the last time I saw Mark we were at a panel, when asked by a fan about how or when he comes up with his best ideas, he said and I paraphrase here, 'when he is at his most relaxed', (and I thought dammit! He's just like me), and he finishes with 'when he is peeing'. (Damn it I thought, that's my line.)

Anyway, if you like graphic novels and alternate universes, histories, or futures, Kingdom Come is one of the best. Well that and Alex Ross art work simply rocks.

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