Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just remember the Intertubes are forever.

So I have a love-hate thing with twitter. I will binge tweet. (E.g. Lots of 'tweets' over a few days and then I will abruptly stop.)

Now twitter is actually pretty awesome for technical links and following computer security people. (For some odd reason security and privacy are apparently only distant cousins now a days.) (./grin) However, I will then quickly get crispy with the bombardment of info that is twitter and I won't post or even log on for a month or two.

Anyway, what I find interesting about twitter is how your typically linear and usually nonsensical tweets instantly show up in the search engines lacking any context. Which means I often self censor my tweets due to my propensity for extreme snarkiness. (Google will show the tweets at the top of the search results.)

Anyway Anyway, So I will occasionally hit the big 3 engines and run my name to see what comes up. Like ya know truly horrendous tweets. Now back in the day when I was more active as a writer, I would get quite a few hits, typically related to The Tick.

A fun aside is that the hits would show up with another Marc Silvia that is an actor/director. The images are great, as the other Marc is often dressed up as a nun, which of course I find very amusing.

So what prompted my current musings was a twitter post about 'drunk tweeting' from someone I follow. My response was "just remember the intertubes are forever."

Which of course prompted a quick search. Now I'm a tech and I probably should be writing some article about databases, algorithms, lucene, and the results from the 3 sites. Never mind how and why the results differ.

But Nah.

What I think is interesting is what you find if you go to the double digit results pages:

The Intertubes are indeed forever.

Ah, the horror!

Sample examples:

1. In honor of the nice review linked in the previous post, I have linked my all time favorite nasty negative review that just so happens to still exist.

I just LOVE this review, it is so MEAN! I really enjoyed writing Color #1, and at the time printing The Tick in color was a big deal. (There was a tradition and historical reasons for the B&W.) I love that AJ gets the points, but shreds the book anyway. It's satire AJ, satire! Awesome.

I must say The Tick was great for critical fan mail, it has truly dedicated and loyal fans. Though I received the most nasty emails over Mindy's appearances. Those were fun. There's nothing like having angry non fans to validate your work! ;)

2. Con Art (ugh) Now I will admit, I would often 'phone-in' the sketch requests at the Cons, esp if the line got long, which it would. Now not Marvel crazy awesome artist long, but long. And since I am there as a 'writer' I felt reasonably justified half-assing it. In my defense many pros will charge or give out and/or charge for pre-prepped copies. (All my scribbles good or bad were free.) Not that I blame them. Its seriously hard work and people often eBay them. But I would just as often get on a roll and jam out some decent and occasionally dare I saw great drawings. There is a badass SPEAK sketch out there somewhere.

So doesn't it figure that the only one I can find online was seriously 'phoned in'.

Hey he asked a writer for a sketch, what can I say? Though, I love that I scrawled a 'Kurtz Rulez' on it. (Complete with a backwards E) As I remember it, the requester was a big PVP fan, and I had my Skull plushy out on my table. Besides Scott does rule.

3. Webcomic, AND again, of course, what strip 'lives on'? The 'rushed' one. Now I did this one quickly, and David was actually gone (as in person) helping at the disaster site, which is my excuse for the horrendous lettering. (David did all the lettering, and final photoshop work)

4. The embarrassing con pics, I will leave for you to find if you are truly that bored.

The Intertubes are indeed forever, especially if it's bad!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A reason to post

So more "Complete Works" have been published by NEC, which gives me a nice excuse for a short post and to link a positive review!

The writer has much well deserved love for the Wang-ster, and a tad for me, which is always nice. ;)