Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh yeah, I have a blog! Doh!

So I got laid-off in June and I have taken the opportunity to study for some various tech certs and do some reading with my free time while also working on the job search.

I just re-read the Wheel of Time series in about 2 weeks which was fun. Reading eleven 600 to 800 page novels in that short of time really immerses you in the stories. I hadn't really been following the news for WoT, so I just recently checked the Dragonmount site and was happy to see that a new book is due out in November "The Gathering Storm" and was excited to learn that there will be at least 2 more books.

I know some people don't like long series, but I love them. It was very sad news to learn of Robert Jordan's passing. I can't imagine working on a story for 25+ years and not be able to finish it. I am very glad his wife is continuing the project. I met them once at the San Diego Comic Con, in the professional's backstage area, it was a very meaningful event for me.

Speaking of long series and fun diversions, I also just read the eleven Dresden file novels "Turn Coat" and those are good fun if you like that genre. It was a brief TV series, but I have to say as usual the books were much better. Except I liked the old WW2 jeep better in the show than the VW Bug in the books, but anyway it is a lot like the first few Anita Blake series novels before Laurell got side tracked...

I also read "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson, it had been on my to do read list for awhile and I have to say I wish I read it sooner. It was quite possibly the best book of that genre I have ever read. I highly recommend it.

Well, now that my reading list and free advertising for Amazon is done, (I typically buy all my books at Barnes & Noble, guess I could have used their site to link the books now that I think about it. The store in the Arboretum in North Austin is nice and they have leather chains upstairs that the boys and I like to hangout in.) I am going to go take a nap on the couch.

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